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Elotero Pizza



– 13 ounces prepared pizza dough at 65% hydration – 5 ounces Real California Oaxaca cheese – 6 ounces guajillo braised pork shoulder (instructions below) – 3 ounces sliced jalapeño peppers – 6 ounces Corn Requesón (instructions below) – 2 ½ ounces Real California Cotija cheese – 2 ounces micro cilantro – 1 ounce lime juice Corn Requesón: – 2 ½ cups roasted corn kernels – 1/2 teaspoon Piment d’Espelette pepper – 1 teaspoon salt – 2 Tablespoons Real California Estero Gold Reserve or Asiago cheese, diced – 2 cups Real California requesón cheese (unsalted) – ¼ cup Real California heavy cream Put all ingredients into a food processor and process until smooth. Guajillo Pork: – 2 ½ lbs pork shoulder, chopped into 1 ½ inch cubes – 20 dried guajillo peppers, stems removed – 6 cloves garlic, diced – ½ teaspoon ground black pepper – ½ teaspoon Piment d’Espelette pepper – ½ teaspoon ground cumin – ¼ teaspoon ground clove – ½ teaspoon Mexican oregano – ½ teaspoon ground coriander – 1 Tablespoon salt – 2 ½ cups water
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Bring water and guajillo peppers to a boil. Turn off heat and let peppers steep for 15 minutes. Put water, peppers, and remaining ingredients into a blender and blend until very smooth. Using a fine strainer, strain mixture into a large saucepan and boil for five minutes. Add pork and continue to simmer uncovered for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until meat is tender, adding water as necessary to keep pork barely covered. Let pork cool with sauce.


To prepare pizza, stretch dough to a 14-inch circle. Scatter pinches of Oaxaca cheese evenly over stretched dough. Scatter pork and sliced peppers evenly over pizza. Spoon Corn Requesón into a pastry bag fitted with a star tip. Pipe evenly over top of pizza. Bake in a deck oven at 570°F for approximately 5-6 minutes. Remove from oven and crumble Cotija cheese evenly over pizza, followed by the micro cilantro. Pour lime juice into a spray bottle. Lightly mist the top of the pizza, including crust, before serving.

Cal-Mex Category Winner – 2020 Real California Pizza Contest

Recipe developed by Lars Smith, State of Mind Pizza, Palo Alto, Calif.

Por Orden:

Makes 1 pizza
